Todd P. Lehman

Lead developer and OSS Evangelist

About Me

Todd joined the MindActive team in 2009. After studying computer-science at MWSC, Todd received his Linux+ certification in 2002. Todd now leads the charge in the fast paced growth that a digital firm requires. Building responsive web-applications, which serve traffic in the millions/day, as well as developing AR mobile apps, and REST-ful web-services for clients who demand high-performance geo-location, and content APIs.

Todd’s vast skill and expertise is broad ranged. The short list includes:

Creates, tests and deploys applications on LAMP stacks and developing products that deploy mobile apps in javascript.


Develops code in PHP, using php-frameworks like “zend”, and offering significant experience using javascript in AJAXy type contexts, think jQuery, especially in robust LAMP-based CMS systems like drupal, wordpress, and Joomla, as well as developing numerous shopping-cart sites using platforms like Magento.

Broad know-how in sysadmin, esp DNS and CA/cert integrations, deploying tools that allow for test-stage-prod deployment automation and extensive use of pro-active mitigation utilities like fail2ban, as well as real-time detail and aggregate reporting using zabbix.

Todd’s heroes are Douglas Crockford, Linus Torvalds, and Bill Murray.

He likes disco, country-blues, and hip-hop, but not always in that order.

His favorite movie quote is “the dude abides”


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